Lab Grown Diamonds:
Everything You Need To Know About

Lab Grown Diamond… This term must have piqued the curiosity of many people. For some people, they are not real, while for some, they are not as sparkling and beautiful as real diamonds.

Well, to break down all your misconceptions about lab grown diamonds, they are real and identical to natural diamonds. They make a great alternative to natural diamonds and are setting trends among jewellery admirers. Over the past few years, lab grown diamonds have gained huge popularity and have become the hottest drift in the jewellery industry. Considering the proliferating popularity of lab grown diamonds, it seems like they are here to redefine the way fashion used to be. Curious to know more about lab grown diamonds? Let’s start unfolding the mystery behind them.

First, Let’s Understand What Lab grown Diamond Is?

A lab grown diamond, to simplify, is an actual diamond produced under a controlled environment in the laboratory. It is completely similar to a natural diamond as they share the same molecular properties. Be it hardness or chemical composition, there is no difference between lab grown and natural diamonds.

Are They Real?

This question must have crossed your mind whenever you hear the term ‘Lab Grown Diamond.’ But to make it short, the simple answer is Yes. They are chemically, physically, and optically as real as mined diamonds.

What Is The Process To Create Lab-Grown Diamonds?

There are 2 ways to create lab grown diamonds: CVD and HPHT. CVD (Chemical Vapour Disposition) is one of the recent techniques used to create diamonds. A tiny diamond seed is placed into the sealed chamber, where the seed is exposed to carbon-contained gas. The seed is then heated at a very high temperature till the gases are ionized and eventually, take the form of a diamond. It takes only a few weeks for a diamond to grow in the sealed chamber.

On the other hand, HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature) is a technique that is a bit different from CVD. In HPHT, a diamond seed with metal (containing carbon) is placed into the sealed chamber. At extreme heat and pressure, the metal melts down and turns into carbon molecules that stick to the diamond seed, taking the form of a diamond.

Can You Tell The Difference?

Of course not. Even for trained professionals, it is absolutely impossible to tell a single difference between a natural and a lab created diamond. It requires expensive equipment to decipher the difference. So, whether you opt for a lab created or a natural diamond, both are diamonds.

Are They Affordable?

This is one of the most asked questions about lab-grown diamonds. And the answer is Yes, they are affordable. Because there is no involvement of the mining process in the manufacturing of lab grown diamonds, they cost almost 30-40% less than natural diamonds.

Dazzling Jewels has an array of lab grown diamond jewellery that too within an affordable price range. So, if you don’t have be harsh on your pocket to buy a piece of stunning diamond jewellery, check out our extensive range of lab grown diamond jewellery to find a perfect pick for you.

Are They Environment-friendly?

You might be aware of the fact that natural diamonds are gained from the earth’s mantle, which includes mining. The mining processes are not healthy for the environment; they have negative impacts on the ecosystem.

Whereas lab grown diamonds do not involve any mining process, they are produced in laboratories, having minimal impact on the environment. So, buying lab diamonds will not just make a sustainable jewellery choice but also reflect your responsibility towards the environment.

Final Words…

Eco-friendly, ethical, and affordability are some of the reasons why lab grown diamond is a popular choice for jewellery. It gives you a sense of pride that you're not causing any harm to nature in any way. Dazzling Jewels, a leading lab grown diamond jewellery manufacturer, offers meticulously crafted lab diamond jewellery to elevate your charm. Take an excursion of our exquisite jewellery collection now!